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Success Story

Energy performance management

Customer: The vieux port of Cannes (France)

GoalManaging the energy consumption of pleasure boats in the port of Cannes

Chauvin Arnoux Energy solution: Installation of power monitors, MID electricity submeters, data concentrators, software

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Electrical energy production

Customer: EDF' CETAC combustion turbine operatig center

GoalRenovation of the electrical cabinets in two combustion-turbine production units

Chauvin Arnoux Energy solution: Installation of power monitors, digital panel meters and synchrocouplers

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Electric power distribution

Success Story SICAE - MAP network quality analyzers

Customer: SICAE de la Somme et du Cambraisis

Goal: Supervising the quality of the electrical energy flowing on the 2,000 km of its electricity distribution network

Chauvin Arnoux Energy solution: Installation of 30 MAP network quality analyzers

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Energy production, transmission and distribution

Success Story EDF Chauvin Arnoux Energy Relays

Customer: EDF Hydraulic Engineering Centre

Goal: Eliminating untimely switching of PLC input/output optocouplers

Chauvin Arnoux Energy solution: Installation of 190 RCME12 relays avec their PAIR080 sockets

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Energy production, transmission and distribution

Success Story CIE - ENERIUM power monitors

Customer: Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité (CIE)

Goal: Benefiting from accurate information on the electrical network in West Africa

Chauvin Arnoux Energy solution: Installation of 250 ENERIUM power monitors in the 46 sub-stations in the West African electricity transmission and distribution network

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